Research Workshop on Dysfunctional Institutions

Past Event World Bank, Washington DC From to

The Research Workshop on Dysfunctional Institutions will take place on 6/7 February 2016 in Washington DC.
It aims to bring together scholars from a variety of disciplines who are working on the cultures of dysfunctional organisations with a view to stimulating research on how to improve the performance of such organisations.

Workshop Presentations

Background papers and abstracts Presentations Presenter
Phishing for Phools George Akerlof
The Cultural Foundations of Economic Failure: a Conceptual Toolkit Presentation Paul Collier
Striving for Balance in Economics: Towards a Theory of the Social Determination of Behaviour Presentation Karla Hoff and Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Clash of Independence and Interdependence in Dysfunctional Organisations  Presentation Hazel Markus and Alana Conner
  a)The Clash of Independence and Interdependence in Dysfunctional Organisations (additional background paper)
  b)The Clash of Independence and Interdependence in Dysfunctional Organisations (additional background paper)
 c)The Clash of Independence and Interdependence in Dysfunctional Organisations (additional background paper)
 d)The Clash of Independence and Interdependence in Dysfunctional Organisations (additional background paper)
  e)The Clash of Independence and Interdependence in Dysfunctional Organisations (additional background paper)
How narratives bias inference: testing hypotheses from evolutionary psychology Presentation  Paul Seabright
Groups, Bias, and Social Preferences Presentation Rachel Kranton
Social Mobility, Risk Aversion and Life Outlook: Evidence from Benin Presentation  Leonard Wantchekon
Value Formation: The Role of Esteem Presentation  Robert Akerlof
Intrinsic Honesty and the Prevalence of Rule Violations across Societies Presentation Simon Gaechter and Jonathan F. Schultz
The Old Boy Network: gender differences in the Impact of Social Networks on remuneration in Top Executive Jobs Presentation Paul Seabright
Movers and Shakers Presentation Robert Akerlof
Unpacking the Decline of General Motors: Relational Contracts as both problems and possible solution Presentation Rebecca Henderson
Unpacking the Decline of General Motors: Relational Contracts as both problems and possible solution (additional background paper)
Safety Culture, Bloodstream Infections and Organisational change in ICUs Presentation Robert Gibbons
Safety Culture, Bloodstream Infections and Organisational change in ICUs (additional background paper)
Markets and Values: The Evolution of Intrinsic Motivation Presentation Maitreesh Ghatak
Quality and Accountability in Healthcare Delivery: Audit Evidence from Primary Care Providers in India Presentation Jishnu Das
The Persistence of Norms and Institutions in Rwanda Presentation Leander Heldring
Bread and bullets Presentation 1 - Presentation 2 Dennis Snower and George Akerlof
African Society and African Development: Evidence from the DRC Presentation Nathan Nunn and James Robinson
Role models, Aspirations and Self-Efficacy in Ethiopia and Kenya  Presentation Stefan Dercon
Pro-social Motivation and the Design of Incentives: three Field Experiments Presentation Nana Ashraf and Oriana Bandiera
Forbidden fruits: the Political Economy of Science, Religion, and Growth  Presentation Roland Benabou